28 Desember 2009
Flanel : hiasan mobil
25 November 2009
Newest clay on Nov 09
Ups..udah lama gak nongol nich...Kangen juga buat nulis lagi...
Ini kreasi clayku yang terbaru di bulan November...bikinnya juga buru-buru..
Semuanya dibuat dengan adonan lokal...alias bikin sendiri tapi kali ini aku coba pake resep baru ala Indira...tepung terigunya diganti pake tepung maizena...lumayan seru....Lemnya juga aku coba merk lain.Untuk warnanya, biasanya aku pake cat poster, kali ini aku coba pake cat akrilik. Dan ternyata hasilnya lebih bagus.Menurut yang jual, cat akrilik lebih pekat warnanya..dan emang sich, dikit aja udah keliatan warnanya.
Kalo mau liat kreasi yang lain..mampir ya di http://www.kreasivitoe.multiply.com
01 Juli 2009
Akhirnya sempat juga aku belajar origami dengan menggunakan washi..Udah lama aku pengen belajar tapi gak tau dimana..Kemudian datang kesempatan saat Adik iparku bekerja selam1 15 bulan di Jepang..Aku nitip bukunya dan inilah hasilnya...
Untuk kertasnya, hikz karena untuk kertas washinya susah didapat dan agak mahal apalagi masih tahap belajar,kan sayang kalo gagal.Akhirnya aku print aja, motif washinya dan inilah hasilnya....
Seneng banget dech liatnya...Masih pemula sich .....
20 Juni 2009
Kami menyediakan souvenir handmade clay, kain flanel, merenda yang eksklusif hanya untuk Anda. Anda bisa men-design sendiri Souvenir Anda dengan harga murah karena keuntungan bukan tujuan utama kami tetapi kepuasan hati Anda adalah tujuan utama kami.
Kunjungi http://www.souvenirunik.blogspot.com untuk melihat - lihat katalognya
Atau kunjungi http://www.kreasivitoe.multiply.com untuk melihat kreasi kami, siapa tau bisa jadi inspirasi Anda.
Ditunggu kunjungannya ya....
08 Juni 2009
Ammigurumi : Ice Cream
Baris 1 : 6 sc menjadi 1 lingkaran
Baris 2 : 1ch, 2 sc pada masing-masing tusukan (12 tusukan)
Baris 3 : 1 ch, * 1 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 6 kali (18 tusukan)
Baris 4 : 1 ch, * 2 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 6 kali ( 24 tusukan)
Baris 5 : 1 ch, * 1 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi (36 tusukan)
Baris 6 : 1 ch, * 2 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi ( 48 tusukan)
Mulai dari baris 6 akhir tusukan tidak digabung menjadi 1 lingkaran
Baris 7-14 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (48 tusukan)
Baris 15 : 1 ch, *3 sc, 3 sc, sc2tog, sc2tog, sc2tog* ulangi(54 tusukan)
Baris 16 : Baris 7-14 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (54 tusukan)
Es Krim I
Baris 1 : 6 sc menjadi 1 lingkaran
Baris 2 : 1 ch, 2 sc pada masing – masing tusukan (12 tusukan)
Baris 3 : 1 ch, * 1 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 6 kali (18 tusukan)
Baris 4 : 1 ch, * 2 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 6 kali (24 tusukan)
Baris 5 : 1 ch, * 3 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 6 kali (30 tusukan)
Baris 6 : 1 ch, * 4 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 6 kali (36 tusukan)
Baris 7 : 1 ch, * 5 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 6 kali (42 tusukan)
Baris 8-11 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (42 tusukan)
Baris 12 : 1 ch, *5 sc, sc2tog*,ulangi (36 tusukan)
Baris 13 : 1 ch, *4 sc, sc2tog*,ulangi (30 tusukan)
Baris 14 : 1 ch, sc bk lps pada tiap tusukan (30 tusukan)
Baris 15 : 2 ch, dengan ft lps * 2 hdc, 3 hdc, 4 hdc* ulangi
Es Krim II
Gunakan jarum renda dengan ukuran yang lebih besar
Baris 1 : 8 sc menjadi 1 lingkaran
Baris 2 : 1ch, 2 sc pada masing-masing tusukan (16 tusukan)
Baris 3 : 1 ch, * 1 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 6 kali (24 tusukan)
Baris 4-5 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (24 tusukan)
Baris 6: 1 ch, s2tog (16 tusukan)
Baris 7 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (16 tusukan)
Baris 8 : Dengan ft lps, 1 ch, 3 sc dalam 1 tusukan, sl st pada tusukan berikutnya, 2 sc dalam 1 tusukan, sl st, 4 sc, sl st, 2 sc, sl st, 3 sc, sl st, 2 sl st
10 ch.
Baris 1 – 15 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan
Gulung untuk membentuk silinder
16 Mei 2009
Amigurumi Pattern : Ice Cream
Baris 1 : 4 sc menjadi 1 lingkaran
Baris 2 : 1ch, 2 sc pada masing-masing tusukan (8 tusukan)
Baris 3 : 1 ch, * 1 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 4 kali (12 tusukan)
Baris 4 : 1 ch, * 2 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 4 kali ( 16 tusukan)
Baris 5 : balik lingkaran.1 ch, 16 sc
Baris 6 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (16 tusukan)
Baris 7 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (16 tusukan)
Baris 8 : 1 ch, * 3 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 4 kali ( 20 tusukan)
Baris 9 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (20 tusukan)
Baris 10 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (20 tusukan)
Baris 11 : 1 ch, * 4 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 4 kali ( 24 tusukan)
Baris 12 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (24 tusukan)
Baris 13 : 3 ch (dc pertama), balik lingkaran, 23 dc
Baris 13 : 3 ch (dc pertama), balik lingkaran, 23 dc
Es krim
Baris 1 : 4 sc menjadi 1 lingkaran
Baris 2 : 1ch, 2 sc pada masing-masing tusukan (8 tusukan)
Baris 3 : 1 ch, * 1 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 4 kali (12 tusukan)
Baris 4 : 1 ch, * 2 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 4 kali ( 16 tusukan)
Baris 5 : 1 ch, * 3 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 4 kali ( 20 tusukan)
Baris 6 : 1 ch, * 4 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 4 kali ( 24 tusukan)
Baris 7 : 1 ch, * 5 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 4 kali ( 28 tusukan)
Baris 8-10 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (28 tusukan)
Baris 11 : 1 ch, *3 hdc pada sc selanjutnya, sl st* ulangi
11 Mei 2009
Amigurumi : telur mata sapi
Putih Telur
Baris 1 : 7 sc menjadi 1 lingkaran
Baris 2 : 1 ch, 2 sc pada masing – masing tusukan (14 tusukan)
Baris 3 : 1 ch, * 1 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 7 kali (21 tusukan)
Baris 4 : 1 ch, * 2 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 7 kali (28 tusukan)
Baris 5 : 1 ch, * 3 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 7 kali (35 tusukan)
Baris 6 : 1 ch, * 4 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 7 kali (42 tusukan)
Baris 7 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (42 tusukan)
Baris 8 : 1 ch, * 5 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 7 kali (49 tusukan)
Baris 9 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (49 tusukan)
Baris 10 : 1 ch, sl st
Kuning Telur
Baris 1 : 6 sc menjadi 1 lingkaran
Baris 2 : 1 ch, 2 sc pada masing – masing tusukan (12 tusukan)
Baris 3 : 1 ch, * 1 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 6 kali (18 tusukan)
Baris 4 : 1 ch, * 2 sc, 2 sc pada sc selanjutnya * ulangi 6 kali (24 tusukan)
Baris 5-7 : 1 ch, sc pada tiap tusukan (24 tusukan)
Baris 8 : sl st
01 Mei 2009
1 atau 2 orang tua yang bekerja?
Aku beli buku ini sewaktu di Semarang, Beli bukunya juga karena ada discount:>Ternyata setelah kubaca, bukunya bagus banget. Emang sich gak semua bisa diterapkan di sini karena buku itu menceritakan tentang bagaimana mengelola keuangan dalam Rumah Tangga hanya dengan 1 pemasukan di Amerika tetapi ada beberapa point yang bisa kita ambil.
Dalam buku itu dikatakan kalo si Penulis tidak menghakimi pasangan menikah yang keduanya bekerja ataupun salah satu yang bekerja...Penulis hanya ingin membagikan pengalamannya bahwa hidup berumah tangga dengan 1 pemasukan (suami atau istri yang bekerja) itu bisa dilakukan di zaman sekarang ini.
Di zaman sekarang ini kebutuhan hidup emang cukup banyak dan cukup menguras isi dompet...apalagi untuk memenuhi gaya hidup seseorang, belum lagi prestige......emang untuk berkeluarga dengan 1 pemasukan dibutuhkan pengorbanan yang cukup besar tapi kurasa itu layak untuk dikorbankan apalgi setelah mempunyai anak. Ada yang bilang kita bekerja untuk anak..untuk mencukupi kebutuhan anak...tetapi apakah alasan itu benar ataukan anak hanya dijadikan tameng? Mungkin saja ada yang merasa kalau menjadi ibu rumah tangga bukan bekerja namanya....Mungkin ada yang merasa gak betah di rumah saja hanya mengurusi anak dan rumah atau mungkin saja memang untuk mencukupi kebutuhan hidup atau gaya hidup.
Aku hanya ingin sharing saja.....ketika hamil dan masih bekerja di RSIA Hermina walaupun gak setiap hari sich. Ketika ada pasien anak datang untuk mendapatkan pengobatan, anak biasanya sulit kooperatif dan membutuhkan pendampingan ketika pemeriksaan dilakukan. Dari sekian banyak pasien anak, hampir semuanya menggunakan baby sitter, Dan apa yang terjadi? Hampir separo dari pasien anak yang mempunyai babysitter memanggil baby sitternya untuk meminta pertolongan bukannya mencari orang tuanya. Kedua, ketika dilakukan anamnesa bukannya orang tua yang menjawab tetapi baby sitter yang lebih tahu. Kedua kejadian itu, hampir semuanya dikarenakan suami-istri yang bekerja. Hiks melihat hal itu, rasanya sayang kalau anakku nantinya seperti itu karena aku susah2 hamil dan melahirkan denga susah payah dan kesakitan yang luar biasa.Pasti sakit hati. Karena alasan itu, aku kemudian memutuskan untuk tidak bekerja di luar rumah.
Emang 1 atau 2 penghasilan cukup mempengaruhi? Ternyata menurut buku yang kubaca tidak mempengaruhi..Karena dengan 2 penghasilan...uang akan banyak terbuang karena pengeluaran yang tidak perlu, misalnya saja menggaji baby sitter, biaya transportasi, biaya untuk penampilan ketika bekerja, makan siang di luar mungkin...yang semuanya itu sebenarnya bisa dialokasikan ke pengeluaran yang mungkin saja lebih dibutuhkan.
Salah satu orang tua (biasanya Ibu) yang tidak bekerja, sebenarnya malah bekerja 24 jam. Karena harus menjadi manajer, akuntasi, koki, supir, pembantu dalam keluarganya dan kurasa tugas itu jauh lebih berat dibanding di kantor. Yach walaupun tidak bergensi seperti di kanator tetapi hasil yang didapat sangatlah layak. Keluarga yang dekat satu sama lain, anak menjadi dekat dengan orang tua bukannya menjadi anak baby sitter atau kakek-neneknya, dan kita bisa melakukan hobi kita.
Atau bekerja di rumah...Banyak penghasilan yang bisa dimulai dari rumah. Dan kurasa itu layak untuk dilakukan. Kita bisa bekerja sambil mengatur rumah dan melihat langsung perkembangan anak kita, mendidik anak kita secara langsung. Kurasa itu lebih layak untuk dipertimbangkan. Kurasa hasil yang akan didapat nantinya lebih berharga. Anak lebih membutuhkan orang tuanya dibanding uang orang tuanya.
05 April 2009
AYAH EDY's Books
For this time I will write in Indonesia ya... Ribet sich....Juga lagi males...
Beberapa bulan yang lalu aku beli buku ini.
Awalnya mau beli buku AYAH EDY yang kiri tapi ternyata salah beli...belinya buku yang kanan.hehehe.... btw, buku bagus semua kok....cuman lebih mengena yang kiri.
Ternyata banyak hal yang tanpa kira sadari kita salah bertindak terhadap anak kita maupun anak orang lain.Kita sebagai orang tua tidak menyadari kalau kita salah dan tidak menyadari dampaknya terhadap anak kita.Setelah membaca buku ini baru dech aku sadar akan banyaknya kesalahan yang sering kita lakukan.
Buat AYAH EDY makasih buat bukunya ya...Membantu banget dech
Buat para orang tua, aku saranin baca dech bukunya..Gak nyesel dech.....
01 April 2009
Free Download CraftBook
17 Maret 2009
History of paper quilling
Tradition holds the art form began in religious houses, and it seems plausible. (The term 'houses' and 'communities' used here refers to monasteries, abbeys, convents, and/or temples of an organized, communal nature and NOT to private residences of devout individuals.) Throughout the Medieval period and well into the Renaissance period begun in the 16th century, religious houses were recognized repositories of learning and scholarship. This was true not only in Western culture, but for most major religions throughout the world. Religious communities, temples and monasteries served as ‘custodians’ of knowledge. As such, copying, illuminating and preserving early manuscripts was an important focus of religious communities. Naturally there would be a supply of paper, parchment or vellum to support this literary work. When a page was trimmed for a manuscript or scroll, the precious scraps would have been saved rather than discarded. Some artistic soul with restless fingers likely began fiddling with these strips, discovering the delightful artistry of rolls and scrolls. Indeed, the quiet repetitive nature of paper filigree makes it highly compatible with the contemplative lifestyle of religious houses. The fact that paper was invented in the Orient around 105 AD and given the amazing dexterity and creativity with paper demonstrated within many Asian cultures, the art of paper filigree may have been practiced in the Far East well before it was ‘discovered’ in Western culture.
Despite the popular claim of numerous Internet sources that the early European quillers trimmed gilded edges from their Bibles to create paper strips, this seems highly improbable. Firstly, prior to the invention of the printing press, copies of the Bible were extremely rare. Each required a year or more to hand copy, so it is unlikely that a church or religious house would possess more than one or maybe two copies, and small parishes may not have even possessed a complete Bible. (Around 1455, Johann Gutenberg invented a moveable-type printing press and printed about 180 Bibles in a year’s time, though each copy still underwent the labor-intensive process of hand-illustration and illumination.) Secondly, the Holy Bible was held in such reverence (indeed, books in general) that the idea of a monk, nun or lay person cutting off gilded edges is very suspect. Such an act would have been considered irreverent, possibly even sacrilegious. While there is no concrete proof to support these objections to the commonly stated folklore above, the alternative theories offered in the previous paragraph seem more in keeping with the medieval mindset and values. However, until some historical account sheds light on its early history, there is no way to verify the origins of paper filigree, and vastly different theories and speculations will continue to circulate.
Most sources maintain that early work was used on religious articles like reliquaries, icons and possibly alcoves and niches in chapels and churches. Christy & Tracy reference anecdotal stories of elaborate paper filigree work in old European churches but could find no concrete documentation, photos, or records to verify this information. Since paper filigree can easily mimic the appearance of intricately carved ivory or, when the edges are gilded, fine gold metal filigree work, it is probable these were early uses of the art. There are many antique reliquaries with paper filigree, but most that are currently on display or in photographs were created in the 19th and early 20th century. Interested readers may view some exquisite examples here and here . At least one piece shown is attributed to the 1600's. (Special thanks to Regina Ribeiro for recently sharing these links). It is very likely that numerous reliquaries and other paper-filigree items created before the 19th century exist but are not available for public viewing, reside in private collections which have not been photographed, or the photos are not readily accessible on the internet. Paper filigree items are occasionally listed in offerings through famous auction houses. The writer recently stumbled this photo of a paper-filigree embellished cabinet from George III (this link also provides very good historical information). Interested persons traveling in Europe might inquire about paper filigree artwork at any historical church/monastery/convent they are near, in hopes of discovering a hidden treasure. Visitors to the famous Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City should be on the lookout for the framed paper filigree pictures hanging on display in the Vatican Museum (many thanks to Viviane Casale for sharing this information on the Yahoo ‘Quillers’ group, post #69430). Also, the Quilling Guild in the UK has published a list of places throughout Europe where one may view antique paper filigree.
In the 17th - 18th centuries, paper filigree moved beyond its religious origins, but the limited availability of paper and the time-intensive nature of the art restricted its practice mostly to wealthy, noble or royal families. It is verified that Princess Elizabeth (daughter of George III) purchased papers and a box to embellish. In addition, some 18th century finishing schools taught paper filigree along with other artistic subjects. In the Victorian Era (1837-1901), well-bred women in society, seeking diversion, would fill the long hours between social engagements with creative pursuits that included paper filigree, and numerous patterns were published in ladies' periodicals. Victorian women always had a tool nearby, for many rolled coils with their hatpins! In addition to framed artwork, items such as wall sconces, tea caddies, furniture, cribbage boards, and decorative urns were often embellished with paper filigree. Family crests were a common motif, along with flowers, borders and elaborate festoons. Paper filigree also went by the name paper mosaic and mosaicon; William Bemrose wrote a book by that title in 1875. Renown author Jane Austen referenced paper filigree in Sense & Sensibility(1811)
The art was carried to the American Colonies and several wall sconces from the 18th century still survive. Modern sources often claim that paper filigree took on the name 'quilling' in the Colonies, because papers were rolled on goose quills. However, in studying pictures of colonial quilling, the centers generally seem smaller than a goose quill would yield. It is possible that quills from smaller feathers were used, though the short length would make it more difficult to grasp and small feather quills are somewhat flimsy. This artist wonders if colonial women used porcupine quills as needle tools, which would still lend the name 'quilling' to their work. This is purely speculation but does seem probable; porcupine quills were used in traditional Native American bead work and would have been both visible to generate the idea and available--versus metal pins and tools which were likely imported from England. (An internet search for ‘quilling’ will reveal examples of Native American art with porcupine quills. Confusion between paper filigree and Native American quilling is also why ‘quilling’ is a less accurate and less preferred term than ‘paper quilling’ or ‘paper filigree.’)
05 Maret 2009
My Son's 2nd Birthday
But this year, Marvell celebrated his birthday without his father because we are at Semarang...but we celebrated at "Beetle-Bug"school with his friends. I think he didn't understand what happen, he just played with his guitar when they sang "Happy Birthday" song and blowed the candle by himself;> The teachers gave him gift,crayon and drawing book...
For the Birthday cake, I got idea from the wedding cake. The idea was 1 big cake from smalls cake so it is easy to share without knife:> ....(Lazy but efficient Mom;p)
03 Maret 2009
My First Paperclay
10 Februari 2009
Another bag
hehehe...... this is my another bag. It's same story with the pink one but different pattern. I love both.
08 Februari 2009
My first crochet
This was my first crochet project I made. I forget when I made it, maybe 8-9 years ago. it hangs on my parent's room until now.The pattern is from one of my chinese pattern book.
07 Februari 2009
Tas Kombinasi
I got this bag from my friend, They selebrated their 1 st month of the third child last february 2008 And I thougt if i gave something on it, it will be more beautiful and different than the others....So..... step by step I did something and this is the result.....
16 Januari 2009
History of Polymer Clay
Polymer clay is a sculptable material based on the polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It usually contains no clay minerals, and is only called "clay" because its texture and working properties resemble those of mineral clay. It is sold in craft, hobby, and art stores, and is used by artists, hobbyists, and children.
Polymer clay is a relatively new medium for arts and crafts. Though it was first created in the late 1930s, it has been readily available for only the past thirty or forty years. Compare this to the centuries over which many mediums have been explored and you'll understand why there are still untold possibilities for polymer clay.
The history of polymer clay as an art medium is only decades long, unlike many media that have been around for centuries and have long traditions. This newness means that there is a great deal of innovation by users of polymer clay. Often, ideas are born by borrowing from the traditions of some other materials, such as metalworking (mokume-gane), ceramics, glass (millefiori, lampwork), paper, etc.
The Early History
Polymer Clay has been around, in one form or another, since the late 1930s. The idea was born in Germany, where Fifi Rehbinder, a doll maker, was having trouble finding her usual supplies, due to the political upheaval of the time. A resourceful woman, she developed a plastic clay she called "Fifi Mosaik", which she used for sculpting doll heads. It wasn't until 1964 that Rehbinder sold the formula to Eberhard Faber. The manufacturer tweaked the formula into the Fimo brand of polymer clay and sold it in toy stores in Europe, where it was viewed primarily as a toy for children or a medium for sculpting dolls and miniatures for use in doll houses.
By the 1990s, polymer clay's popularity was obvious, and other manufacturers took notice. AMACO developed Friendly Clay, departing from their existing line of natural clays. Premo clay came along in the mid-90s, when polymer clay artist Marie Segal indicated to the makers of Sculpey that there was demand for a higher-quality American-made clay. The newest variety of polymer clay, Kato Polyclay, was developed in 2001 through collaboration between artist Donna Kato and manufacturer Van Aken.
Today, there are several brands of polymer clay from which to choose, as well as specialty clays (liquid polymer clay, mica clays, glitter clays, glow-in-the-dark clays, etc.). Polymer clay continues to gain popularity, and new techniques are still emerging in this (comparatively speaking) new medium. And to think, it all started with Fifi Mosaik…
13 Januari 2009
Papertole : Jesus's Birth
This big papertole is the biggest papertole I ever made. It was easy to cut but... making it to be 3 dimension was difficult. I never imagined it. I needed more 1 metre of wire and 3 tube of sealant to make it. And I don't know how many times I fixed it. But When it finished, I look it .....and it's so beautiful and look alive. I am so proud:p
07 Januari 2009
Flanel Again
05 Januari 2009
Clay : 2 dimension
03 Januari 2009
Clay : Zoo
I made these when I was at Semarang, maybe i made this on MAY 2008. They were my first animal clay. Some of them made from polymer clay, but the pig and frog were made from powder and PVAC Glue. I love them, they are so cute. I made and learn the dough from book by Monica. I like Monica, she is so creative and one of my favourite aouthor. The books make everything so easy and simple. And I want try every models in that books.
My first time i knew Felt when I was lived at Bandung but Everytime I tried to make it, I failed. And I tried it again when I was in university but failed again. Now, after years I tried again and this time I did it. And I am so proud because I didn't give up. This time I didn't sew it but glue it and it makes look better. I copied the pattern from book "Kreasi Tokoh Fantasi Anak dari Kain Felt" by Emi Risna Imawati and the tecnique I learned from " Terampil Membuat Boneka Mini dan Lucu dari Kain Felt" by LInawati. Too bad, the felt in Banjarmasin is more expensive then Semarang, double expensive. But This month I will go to Semarang and I will buy tyhe Felt there and make a lot of pattern and making bussiness from felt. I love that idea.
02 Januari 2009
Happpy New Year 2009
Happy New Year 2009. This new year I will try to make this blog in English. Please don't laugh with my bad writing. I just want to practise my writing. And this 2009 will full of craft not like the old years. Every day will full of art, reading, craft and the important thing is my family. I will and must do knitting, crochet, felt, pergamano, quilling, clay, papertole, papercraft, ribbon embroidery, embroiderry. There is one craft I really eager to learn, WASHI. It is so beautiful.