03 Januari 2009


My first time i knew Felt when I was lived at Bandung but Everytime I tried to make it, I failed. And I tried it again when I was in university but failed again. Now, after years I tried again and this time I did it. And I am so proud because I didn't give up. This time I didn't sew it but glue it and it makes look better. I copied the pattern from book "Kreasi Tokoh Fantasi Anak dari Kain Felt" by Emi Risna Imawati and the tecnique I learned from " Terampil Membuat Boneka Mini dan Lucu dari Kain Felt" by LInawati. Too bad, the felt in Banjarmasin is more expensive then Semarang, double expensive. But This month I will go to Semarang and I will buy tyhe Felt there and make a lot of pattern and making bussiness from felt. I love that idea.

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